Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Thirty-two days until the Wedding! Many items have been accomplished and a few are still pending.

I know the bride and groom are excited and looking forward to the culmination of all of the planning, organizing, calling, meetings and doling out money.

My daughter finished summer school and is working full-time through the end of August with a 5 day break for the wedding. My future son-in-law is working three jobs which keeps him pretty busy; however, he will also be taking a 5 day break for the wedding :-)

They rented an apartment in mid-May and he is living there ~ being a bachelor for a few months. We did move most of my daughter’s belongs into the apartment so that it wouldn’t be such a shock when they got married. She has her daily necessities and is at the apartment enough that she can pick up what she needs.

Each day brings closer the realization that I may not have daily contact with my daughter anymore. I go through the highs and lows of a parent whose only child is getting married and moving out. Mostly happiness and excitement for the newlyweds, a bit of sadness for myself (not trying to sound selfish). I am also curious to see what this new leg of the journey holds for me :-)