Tuesday, September 23, 2014


My favorite season has arrived (according to the calendar).  The quote below sums up some of my thoughts as well.  I thank the Lord for the diversity He gives.

 Don't you love them?  
More and more I am beginning to appreciate the seasons and the unique purpose of each one.  Fall is definitely in the air...some rain, some cool nights and mornings, orange pumpkins, and falling leaves.
Summer is such an incredibly busy time, with wonderful harvests, preserving, family gatherings, visitors, events, and so much more.  Although the cold wet rainy season has it's challenges, I think we are all looking a bit forward to having a somewhat slower paced autumn and winter!  -- This is from Joyful Keeper at Home blog

Life continues on in the Pacific Northwest.  Cooler nights and sunny days.  Praises to the Lord for the beauty He surrounds us with!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Long-awaited Liebster Award Answers

I was blown away to be a recipient of the Liebster Award!  Thank you, Julia from Writing for His Glory :-)  Here are the answers to the questions she presented:

1.             If you were in outer space and your friend started drifting off, what would you do? “swim” over to her and grab on; we will go together.
2.                   What is your least favorite blog?  Hmmm, I don’t know.  I usually search for my interests so don’t run into unsavory blogs – at least not on purpose – lol.
3.                   If you had nothing to eat would you, eat grass, flowers, tree bark, or dirt? Flowers
4.             If you were woken up by a screaming sister telling you that your older sister was badly injured and bleeding, what would you do?  I just took a CPR class :~)  Have her call 911, go and put pressure on the wound until help arrives.
5.                   What post did you laugh the post at on my blog? Not a laugh but a “who knew” – May 14, 2014
6.             Have you ever climbed on the roof of anything? (like garage, chicken house, etc). No, I am afraid of heights.
7.             Do you wear a promise ring? (Or purity ring)  That wasn’t something that was used when I was growing up (late 70s/early 80s).  I am currently single (was married) and have no prospects.  However, I believe in the idea as it would be a visual reminder.
8.             Do you have a favorite meal to cook, from scratch? No boxed meals, ladies! ;)  Tex-mex Quinoa Salad and biscuits with a peach cobbler for dessert.
9.                   Have you ever tried to break a broken egg against something? Haha – nope.
10.          If a stranger walked up on the streets, handed to a note and it said "Don't look at that car". What would you do? =D   Human nature – turn and look :~)
11.          If you could clean a house (even the bathrooms! ;) )  with 5 bloggers, who would they be? Mandy@Biblical Homemaking, Gloria@Amish Reader, Olivia@Fresh Modesty, Mary Ann@A Joyful Chaos and you (Julia)@Writing for His Glory ~ of course.  However, there are many others that I would include in this group :-)