Thursday, June 27, 2013

Family Reunion Time

I am excited for our “Chase” family reunion next week!  It’s been three years; although, most everyone was together last year for my daughter’s wedding.

I was checking out the 10 day forecast and it is going to be extremely hot!  I don’t do well in warm weather as I don’t sweat; just look like a red tomato (sorry if that was TMI).  I will be staying hydrated and doing any outside work early in the day.

Happy Fourth of July – tidbit of history; the Declaration of Independence was not signed all at once.  It took months for all of the delegates to sign it because of the travel time ~ so don't believe the 'portrait' showing all the delegates around the table for the signing :~)

Prayers for our country’s leaders and thanksgiving for my blessings – Thank you, Lord!

Friday, June 14, 2013

"Appearance" Update

It has been four months since I began my modest dressing by wearing headcoverings and ‘skirts/dresses’ only.  There was a very small adjustment period and no looking back.  I find I am most comfortable with my scarf-type headcoverings versus the three caps I have.  I always feel as if the caps were going to come off.  The freedom I feel with the skirts is wonderful.  I don’t feel ‘on display’ and worrying about how my bottom half looks to others.

I am thankful for the support of family and friends during this ‘appearance change’ and know that I would do it regardless just because I have felt led by the Lord to do so.

I am feeling restless about life and not sure why.  The Lord’s ear is probably tired of my wonderings and I need to turn my ear towards Him to hear where/what He is leading me to do.

I was reading an Amish series this week and the first book had this Amish proverb which struck me as wunderbaar (wonderful):  “Happiness is the inner joy that can be sought or caught, but never taught or bought.”  How true that is!  The Lord’s joy is elusive yet attainable by prayer and thanksgiving at all times.

Thank you Heavenly Father!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Busy, Busy, Busy

Whew~what a busy weekend that was!  Very enjoyable times with my small group, daughter, church and volunteering.  I was gone from home most of the weekend and didn’t get any yard work done [this issue is hanging over my head].

My first Farm Chicks event!  What a great time we had~a huge thumbs up.  I think we may make this a Mother/Daughter yearly event.  A big ‘thank you’ to Serena for this wonderful yearly show of antiques and handmade items with lots of vendors.

Yes, I bought a ‘Newzgirl’ style cap while there.  Actually that was my goal~to add to my headcovering repertoire.  A shout out to ; they are a local, small business that is friendly and helpful.  I am eyeing a couple of other caps on their website.

The Daniel study I am doing on Thursday evenings is wrapping up at the end of June.  My small group has also disbanded for the summer.  I am on the search for some good books/series and a good bible study to tide me over for the summer ~~ I am sure the yard work will be calling my name as I try and plug my ears—LOL!