Thursday, February 27, 2014

Looking Around the Corner

February is quickly coming to an end and I feel spring right around the corner [under the mounds of snow].

I am struggling with a few things:  getting back into a daily routine, Bible study and my volunteering commitments.  I am lifting these up in prayer and working on the ones in which I can actively change.

I think the longer daylight definitely helps with the motivation aspect of life.

God definitely knows when to change the seasons; what an Awesome God we have!!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Surprises are Awesome

Woohoo ~ our surprise birthday get together for my Dad was fabulous!  He had no idea when he walked in Saturday morning.  All his daughters (4) were there, his wife, his two sisters and we were able to skype with his brother.  What a great time was had by all ~ fellowship and food.  The weather was a bit crazy, rain and wind pretty much the whole time I was there (Wed-Mon).  My aunt was able to catch this picture on Saturday!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

This, That & the Other

A week until I am on a mini-vacation.  I get to visit with family and slip away from my job and community for a few days.  I pray that it is a joyful time of fellowship and re-energizing for my body and soul.  The last 2 months have been hectic at work, although that hasn’t pushed into other aspects of my life (other than an eye tic that won’t stop!).

My small group is in the middle of a book we are reading and discussing.  We usually do some type of study; however, a couple of gals were interesting in this particular book.  More 'book news' ~ I have just finished reading most of Charles Dickens’ works [I think I may have missed one or two but will double check].  Hmmm, I am lagging behind in crocheting – I would like to make some items and maybe put them on to sell.

I am amazed that it has been about a year since I started wearing skirts and headcoverings all the time.  I wasn’t sure how it would be in the winter; however, this year we have not been inundated with precipitation as the East Coast has.  So all in all, the adjustment to wearing skirts (or dresses) only has been extremely easy.