Tuesday, April 30, 2019


Each week I see progress being made in my new space.  Last weekend, the counter-tops and cupboards were mounted.

I found out yesterday that the rest of my items that were ordered (sinks, faucets, toilet) have been delivered to Spokane and are ready for pick-up!!

Monday, April 22, 2019

Easter Weekend

Wow!  What a meaningful and productive weekend.

Good Friday service, Easter Service -- full of thanksgiving and praise!!

Carolyn and Matt were busy both Saturday and Sunday -- the transformation truly boggles my mind.  I am blessed with a Loving Father and supportive family.

Every week gets the project closer to being completed :~)

Friday, April 19, 2019

Remodel Update - Primer

The remodel is moving along!  The mud and taping of the drywall was completed and primer was applied.

Next step – painting and flooring 😊