Tuesday, August 10, 2010


This is my first summer in my little home and the lady across the street feeds the birds.  Yes, I know that there isn't anything wrong with feeding birds; however, she feeds them a mixing bowl of bread pieces about 6 times a day.  One day I mentioned to her that she was spoiling them and would have to feed them in the winter.  Haha - she informed me that she does.  Since they eat at her place, my yard/fence/carport...have become the outhouse for the birds.  I am not talking 5 or 6 - nope, more like 30 to 50!  I am at a loss as to what to do about these feathered friends.  Someone mentioned a bb-gun but I don't want to hurt them, just persuade them to poop elsewhere.  Any hints, tips...would be appreciated.

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