Monday, May 23, 2011


Sadness abounds in my heart. As I ponder the inevitability of death, I am overwhelmed with emotions ranging from abandonment to confusion to peace. My Auntie Ruth had a full life, she was in her early 90s and was married to a wonderful man, had loving children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. My grandmother’s best friend will be missed by many; family and friends alike.

Death is a familiar word these days. My office has had sadness after sadness: a co-worker’s friend’s husband, a co-worker’s husband, a co-worker’s cousin and now my great aunt. The horror of these deaths is that they have all been within the span of six weeks.

As a Christian, I know that there is life after death. I do not know the spiritual walk of any of those that have recently passed away. My prayer is that they all knew the Lord and believed in Him.

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Matthew 5:4

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