Friday, October 26, 2012

White and sleek

My new vehicle ~ yes, I bit the bullet.  I am ready for winter!  It is a smooth, quiet ride and handles well in dry and rainy weather.  As an AWD, I am sure it will do wonders in the snow.

Thanks for all the advice.  It was taken, reviewed and some was used and some was not.  I think that is how it usually goes.

My goal is to not have to purchase another vehicle for many years  :-)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

New Ride?

I have been contemplating [for about a year] getting a different vehicle.

I traded in my CR-V in 2010 for a Honda Civic Hybrid.  Mostly, this was to shed another piece of my past marriage and to help me heal.  I have to say that the car is sporty and gets amazing gas mileage!  However, it is extremely low to the ground which makes driving in the winter snows difficult.

I had mentioned my contemplation to various family members and my dad had a great suggestion which I would like to pass along to the masses ~ rent a vehicle for a week or so to really make sure it is the one you want.  You will save money and headache in the long run, especially if you find you aren't as enamored of the car as you thought you were.

Sage advise from a thought-filled man!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Yesterday was my 3 year Freedom Anniversary!  I want to thank everyone for the support and love they have shown me during my time of adjusting to freedom from the bondages of abuse.

The Lord has carried me through and I praise His name each day in thanksgiving :-)

This is short but I wanted to share my joy in freedom!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Autumn is here

Autumn has arrived. I have begun some ‘preparations’ for the cooler weather.

• Outside faucets drained and covered
• Window air-conditioner removed and stored
• Hoses in shed

I still need to do some raking. I have no trees in my yard; however, the neighbors’ trees haven’t lost all their leaves yet. I can wait 

I have put out my “fall” decorations in the house. I have a couple of pillows and some Partylite leaf tealight holders to place on shelves.

My house is not situated in the “line of fire” for trick-or-treaters, so I don’t put any decorations outside.

I love pumpkin and all of the yummies it can be made into. I just found this recipe for Dark Chocolate Pumpkin Bread that I am anxious to try – I can just imagine the smell that will fill my little home.

Update on the newlyweds for those interested: doing well. Both busy with each working two jobs and my daughter in her last year at GU. I used to see her in the evenings at home and that was about it; now since she doesn’t live at home we try to connect at church service on Sundays.