Thursday, May 30, 2013

A weed-free flower bed

I am making process on my yard work.  One flower bed at a time :~)

I had a great Memorial Day weekend.  I helped re-create a raised garden bed and plant the garden.  I am excited to see how things are popping up in a month!

The Lord is faithful.  I see this as I go through each day and reflect on situations.  I am in awe of His great love for His children.  We can be wayward, ignorant, selfish, worldly, etc., yet He is always available for us and is waiting for us to knock at His door!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Gardening/Yard Work -- Lack of Action

I have been having difficulty motivating myself to do ANY yard work.  I have the following from Heartlight printed and posted in my cubicle at work.  I am going to print in for home as well.

To my shame, I need to acknowledge the attitude of laziness with regard to my yard.  I had e-mailed the following request to my small group and would request prayers from you as well.

This will sound like a silly request; however, will you pray for me in my perseverance in yard work and that God gives me delight in it.  Currently, it is the VERY last thing I want to do EVER and I need the Lord’s strength and life-changing touch for this attitude adjustment.

I appreciate your prayers very, very much!

Today's Verse for 10/18/2012

If a man is lazy, the rafters sag; if his hands are idle, the house leaks. — Ecclesiastes 10:18


Laziness is not just an attitude, it is a lack of action. It is a choice to let important matters suffer neglect. While the results of this choice may not always be evident, over the passage of time, the basic results of idleness are borne out by the accumulating signs of decay and destruction.


Stir in me, dear Heavenly Father, a passion to do what is true and good and righteous. Convict my heart when I neglect what is important. Please help me discern the difference between laziness and a genuine need for rest and to balance my life between my many responsibilities. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
The Thoughts and Prayers for Today's Verse are written by Phil Ware. You can email questions or comments to

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of Ecclesiastes 10:18

© 1998-2012, Heartlight Inc.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Emulate Christ

My devotion this morning was based on the following scripture:

You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.  1 Peter 3:4

When I read that, I thought of modesty and a humble attitude.  In this alien world, we are to be a light; letting the Holy Spirit shine through us as we go through our days sharing the Good News.

Along with the scripture verse, the devotion has some insight by Jennifer King (it is a pocket year devotional).  Below is part of what she wrote:

“We are not perfect, but we can allow the Son’s light to shine through our lives so that a rare, beautiful wholeness fills our world.  Beauty is found in kindness and growth from within, not in criticizing other people.  True beauty shines through our imperfections; it withstands all seasons of life.” ~ Jennifer King

Striving to emulate Christ with the fruit of the Spirit is challenging on the best of days because of our sinful nature.  My prayer today is that each of us is able to focus on Christ the Redeemer; keeping our eye on the prize {life with our Lord in Heaven}.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Graduation Weekend

This is a big weekend for my daughter! She is graduating from Gonzaga University with her Bachelor’s degree with a major in International Relations and minors in Political Science and Religious Studies. I am so proud of my daughter for all of her hard work, commitment and following through. She has had some major changes over the past four years, yet still has stuck with the schooling. Go Tootie!  The Lord is good :~)

Finally brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. ~Philippians 4:4-8

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Happy May Day

My devotional this morning spoke of the renewing birth of nature each spring.  The Lord is speaking to me about my yard through these morning devotions – the past couple of weeks have focused on nature and gardens!

When I was young, my yard work experience was not of the nurturing kind and I tend to dread and resist it on a regular basis.  However, through these devotions I am seeing a different aspect of nature ~ with my yard specifically.  Although my goal is to have minimal grass, I am having native plants and wildflowers along with raised garden beds.  There will be rock with native grasses interspersed for color.  I have come to realize {on an intimate level} that each bit of green or color is from God; whether it is a weed or flower.

Thank you Lord for the beauty of your creation!