Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Modest Dressing and Headcovering Anniversary

February, 2015 marked my two year anniversary of modestly dressing in skirts/dresses and wearing a headcovering daily.

I have been the only lady in my church to wear a headcovering.  Just this last Sunday, I had a lady (whom I have done volunteer work with) come up to me before service started and begin to ask about my modest dressing and headcovering – did I make my own headcovering?  Were the changes I made hard?  She had been convicted through a variety of situations and confirmed with her husband as the head of house.

I am so thrilled to have another Sister in Christ who headcovers. I did not ask if it was just during church or always as I do.  Either way, I was blessed with our conversation.

I did let her know that my headcoverings are purchased from and I am blessed by that group of sisters.

The Lord is good!


  1. Modesty is a wonderful thing. Tom The Backroads Traveller
