Thursday, May 8, 2014


I have been praying for a few months about selling my car.  I decided to sell it and have such peace about it that I know the Lord has spoken to me.  I have put in on the ‘marketplace’ where I work and also where my sister’s.  I have parked the vehicle and am using public transportation (bus) and walking.  I have faith that the right person will come along and purchase this vehicle.

It is one less material item that I won’t have to worry about the monthly payments, gas and maintenance on.  It is rather freeing  :~)

I humbly request prayers for the sale of the vehicle.  I am hoping to receive what I still owe the bank and if I get extra it will go to savings and other debt.  Although I haven’t done a Dave Ramsey class, I know those who have and have chatted with them about the ‘extra proceeds’ I may receive and the steps Mr. Ramsey suggests.


  1. Good for you! It's nice to live in an area where you can walk or take public transportation. I also believe in minimizing debt for peace of mind!

    1. Thanks Gloria -- Yes, it is also a stress-free way to get around in traffic :-)
