Friday, September 19, 2014

Long-awaited Liebster Award Answers

I was blown away to be a recipient of the Liebster Award!  Thank you, Julia from Writing for His Glory :-)  Here are the answers to the questions she presented:

1.             If you were in outer space and your friend started drifting off, what would you do? “swim” over to her and grab on; we will go together.
2.                   What is your least favorite blog?  Hmmm, I don’t know.  I usually search for my interests so don’t run into unsavory blogs – at least not on purpose – lol.
3.                   If you had nothing to eat would you, eat grass, flowers, tree bark, or dirt? Flowers
4.             If you were woken up by a screaming sister telling you that your older sister was badly injured and bleeding, what would you do?  I just took a CPR class :~)  Have her call 911, go and put pressure on the wound until help arrives.
5.                   What post did you laugh the post at on my blog? Not a laugh but a “who knew” – May 14, 2014
6.             Have you ever climbed on the roof of anything? (like garage, chicken house, etc). No, I am afraid of heights.
7.             Do you wear a promise ring? (Or purity ring)  That wasn’t something that was used when I was growing up (late 70s/early 80s).  I am currently single (was married) and have no prospects.  However, I believe in the idea as it would be a visual reminder.
8.             Do you have a favorite meal to cook, from scratch? No boxed meals, ladies! ;)  Tex-mex Quinoa Salad and biscuits with a peach cobbler for dessert.
9.                   Have you ever tried to break a broken egg against something? Haha – nope.
10.          If a stranger walked up on the streets, handed to a note and it said "Don't look at that car". What would you do? =D   Human nature – turn and look :~)
11.          If you could clean a house (even the bathrooms! ;) )  with 5 bloggers, who would they be? Mandy@Biblical Homemaking, Gloria@Amish Reader, Olivia@Fresh Modesty, Mary Ann@A Joyful Chaos and you (Julia)@Writing for His Glory ~ of course.  However, there are many others that I would include in this group :-)

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