Blessings for this new year!!
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
My Mantra for 2015 & Life
Lose Weight, Feel Great, I'm turning 48!
Yes, this year I turn 48. Crazy as it seems to me. Sometimes I wonder where the time has gone. My daughter recently turned 24 and that stopped me in my tracks as well.
I have been horribly lax in my eating and exercising lately and know that I feel better when I am active and eating whole, healthy foods.
This year has been full of wonderful times and impactful moments.
Blessings to all!
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Autumn Day Trip
My small group, a grandson of a small group member and my daughter drove up to Ione, WA and took the Lions Train round trip ride between Ione and Metaline Falls. We had a beautiful and blessed day :~) Below is a wonderful description from the Lions Train Rides website!
Written by
Lions Train Rides. Posted in About Us
The 11/2 hour round trip begins in Ione (except over Labor
Day Weekend when it runs from Metaline Falls to Ione and return) and runs north
through the canyon ten miles to
Metaline Falls.
Shortly after leaving Ione, you roll
through the countryside. Soon, you cross the highway just outside the town and
enter the river canyon. As the train winds along the cliffs and through the
cuts more than a 100 feet above the river, take in views of the river not seen
from the highway. If you watch closely enough, you might glimpse an eagle
catching trout from the river, or an elk grazing on the far bank. The route is
sprinkled with apple trees, the result of railroad workers throwing apple cores
away as they traveled the tracks.
As the slope drops away to the river,
you feel as though the train is floating on air. On your right are sheer rock
walls stretching skyward from the water, on your left is a dam completed in
1956 and strung between rock islands rising out of the river.
Ahead is a majestic trestle completed
on October 14, 1910. When the train stops on the trestle, you can enjoy a
stunning view of Box Canyon Dam. After crossing the river the train climbs up
the mountain, rocking along on the twisting tracks to plunge into the first of
two tunnels on the line. The 810 foot long Vail tunnel, lined with concrete in
1953, takes you through a spur of the mountain that juts out into the valley.
Since the completion of the railway
in the fall of 1910, the forest has grown dense around the tracks, and wildlife
abounds. Soon the train crests the grade and begins its decent to Metaline
Falls through a bore in a rocky knoll and across a number of wooden trestles
spanning numerous gulches and gullies.
As you coast into Metaline Falls, you
can see the large cement holding silos of the Inland Portland Cement Plant
constructed in 1910. Metaline Falls is a quiet little village tucked away in
the mountains just south of the Canadian border.
After the train eases to a halt, the
engine cuts away to reconnect to the other end of the train for the return
trip. The train has been known to be robbed by Ma Cutter and her gang while
waiting for the engine to couple back up. Don't fear as they are only looking
for donations for the historic Cutter Theatre in Metaline Falls.
No passengers are allowed off the
train until it returns to the ride origination point. You can buy tickets here on
our website any time or call 1-877-5ALL-ABOARD (1-877-525-5226) between 6 AM and 5 PM Monday through Friday. For more
information, e-mail information here, call us, or explore our website further.
Friday, October 24, 2014
Where Am I?
I am a schedule kind of gal.
I like routine. Since June I have
NOT been in a routine. I am completely
out of sorts in my person and in my home :~(
I need to shake myself out and get back to a schedule.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
My favorite season has arrived (according to the calendar). The quote below sums up some of my thoughts as well. I thank the Lord for the diversity He gives.
Don't you love them?
More and more I am beginning to appreciate the seasons and the unique purpose of each one. Fall is definitely in the air...some rain, some cool nights and mornings, orange pumpkins, and falling leaves.
Summer is such an incredibly busy time, with wonderful harvests, preserving, family gatherings, visitors, events, and so much more. Although the cold wet rainy season has it's challenges, I think we are all looking a bit forward to having a somewhat slower paced autumn and winter! -- This is from Joyful Keeper at Home blog
Life continues on in the Pacific Northwest. Cooler nights and sunny days. Praises to the Lord for the beauty He surrounds us with!
Friday, September 19, 2014
Long-awaited Liebster Award Answers
I was blown away to be a recipient of the Liebster Award! Thank you, Julia from Writing for His Glory :-) Here are the answers to the questions she presented:
If you were in outer space and your friend started drifting off,
what would you do? “swim” over to her and grab on; we will go together.
What is your least favorite blog? Hmmm, I
don’t know. I usually search for my
interests so don’t run into unsavory blogs – at least not on purpose – lol.
If you had nothing to eat would you, eat grass, flowers, tree
bark, or dirt? Flowers
If you were woken up by a screaming sister telling you that your
older sister was badly injured and bleeding, what would you do? I just
took a CPR class :~) Have her
call 911, go and put pressure on the wound until help arrives.
What post did you laugh the post at on my blog? Not a
laugh but a “who knew” – May 14, 2014
Have you ever climbed on the roof of anything? (like garage, chicken
house, etc). No, I am afraid of heights.
Do you wear a promise ring? (Or purity ring) That wasn’t something that was
used when I was growing up (late 70s/early 80s). I am currently single (was married) and have no prospects. However, I believe in the idea as it would be a visual reminder.
Do you have a favorite meal to cook, from scratch? No boxed meals,
ladies! ;) Tex-mex
Quinoa Salad and biscuits with a peach cobbler for dessert.
Have you ever tried to break a broken egg against something? Haha –
If a stranger walked up on the streets, handed to a note and it
said "Don't look at that car". What would you do? =D Human nature – turn and look :~)
If you could clean a house (even the bathrooms! ;) ) with 5
bloggers, who would they be? Mandy@Biblical Homemaking, Gloria@Amish Reader, Olivia@Fresh Modesty, Mary Ann@A Joyful Chaos and you (Julia)@Writing for His Glory ~ of course. However, there are many others that I would include in this group :-)
Thursday, August 21, 2014
I have decided to change my eating habits from vegan to
vegetarian (lacto-ovo). In all honesty, it will both
be easier for others and me when dining out, at a friend or family home and I
miss yummy quiche with eggs, cheese and Morningstar sausages (veggie). I will continue to focus on vegan fare while
occasionally partaking of dairy and eggs.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Summer Heat
(taken within the last 24 hours)
Whew ~ extremely warm temperatures for the Pacific
Northwest. Mid to Upper 90s going on two
weeks. I am not a fan of the summer
heat; hence, I do my best not to complain of the cold, snow and rain we get the
rest of the year. Currently, there are
some fires around the area and the air is smoke-filled which is bad news for
those with asthma and other respiratory illnesses. My prayers go out to those near the
wildfires, all the firefighters and those affected by the fires.
Other news, I recently went on a mini-vacation to visit
family in Oregon (near Portland). It is
always so relaxing and enjoyable. I
helped with some yard work and outside organizing (they are on a couple of
acres) in the mornings and visiting in the afternoons.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
As Americans, we are privileged to have more freedom than
many other countries. I give thanks to God for the military and the everyday people that have worked hard for our liberties.
As children of the Living God, we have freedom – even more
than living in America gives us. We are
free of the constrictions of this world!
How awesome is that :~)
I thank the Lord daily for His holy love which is shown in
His mercy and grace for all of His children.
Monday, June 16, 2014
![]() |
So long, farewell, au wiedersehen, goodbye (heehee - love that movie!) |
I am officially ‘car-less’. I haven't driven my vehicle since May 5th. On Friday, (yep, the 13th) I had a fabulous experience with CarMax.
They do an appraisal on your car and give you a written offer that is
valid for 7 days. This offer is for a
sale or trade-in. Both the appraisal day
and the sale day (yesterday) went quickly and smoothly. I would recommend CarMax to any and all.
My biggest thanks to the Lord as He is good! I left the outcome in His hands without a
worry and it turned out fantastic. After
the car loan was paid, I received a check for the balance. Thank you to everyone who kept an ear open
for buyers and to those who prayed about the sale of my vehicle.
Friday, June 6, 2014
No More *Dumb* Phone
I am now the owner of a smart phone. I couldn’t resist the free iPhone 5c that was
offered to me. I just activated it this
morning and will be getting familiar with it this evening ~ through the
Happy Friday!
Happy Friday!
Friday, May 30, 2014
National Holiday
Last weekend was the nation’s time of observing our fallen
military personnel. For many others, it
was a time of visiting the resting place of their loved ones.
My grandmother will be turning 95 at the end of June. The past few years my daughter and I have
taken her to Coeur d’Alene and to the Northside of Spokane to visit three different
cemeteries and the family members buried in each.
This year she was feeling a bit under the weather (nothing
alarming) so my daughter and I went to the cemeteries on the Northside of
Spokane for her.
The sight never fails to amaze me. Flags waving in the breeze, flowers adorning
many graves and the cemeteries bustling with families stopping to pay tribute
to loved ones.
Friday, May 16, 2014
We are in the midst of the month of May. It brings rain showers, warm days and cool
nights. Perfect weather for the yard to
be green (whether it is full of grass or weeds). I have a push mower – one of the
‘old-fashioned’ types. Since I don’t do
well in the heat, I am doing my yard work in the early mornings. I did some of this last year and will be
doing everything except weedwacking in the early mornings – people may not be
happy with a battery operated weedwacker running before 7:00 a.m. [I also believe it is against City
Ordinance] So I will leave that for
Saturday mornings at 8.
This will be my 5th summer here and I still
haven’t figured out what to do with the mess I call a yard. I think my daughter is actually making a plan
and maybe we will work on it this year but for sure next year!
Thursday, May 8, 2014
I have been praying for a few months about selling my
car. I decided to sell it and have such
peace about it that I know the Lord has spoken to me. I have put in on the ‘marketplace’ where I
work and also where my sister’s. I have
parked the vehicle and am using public transportation (bus) and
walking. I have faith that the right
person will come along and purchase this vehicle.
It is one less material item that I won’t have to worry
about the monthly payments, gas and maintenance on. It is rather freeing :~)
I humbly request prayers for the sale of the vehicle. I am hoping to receive what I still owe the
bank and if I get extra it will go to savings and other debt. Although I haven’t done a Dave Ramsey class,
I know those who have and have chatted with them about the ‘extra proceeds’ I
may receive and the steps Mr. Ramsey suggests.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Spring Clean-Up
I have the landscaping crew coming today to do a spring clean-up on my yard. Then it is my duty to keep up on it :-)
I think my daughter and I will be looking at doing some raised beds. I would also love to put up a clothesline ~ maybe one of the umbrella type
My small group is starting a new book of the Bible this Saturday: Jonah. I am looking forward to actually getting into the Word versus a book by some celebrated author.
Praises to God for His grace. Yesterday was my daughter's 1st day of full-time employment. Congrats to her and thanks to the Lord!
I think my daughter and I will be looking at doing some raised beds. I would also love to put up a clothesline ~ maybe one of the umbrella type
My small group is starting a new book of the Bible this Saturday: Jonah. I am looking forward to actually getting into the Word versus a book by some celebrated author.
Praises to God for His grace. Yesterday was my daughter's 1st day of full-time employment. Congrats to her and thanks to the Lord!
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Homemaking Bundle ~ Awesome
I purchased this amazing bundle of E-Books and other resources today. I am thrilled with what I perused so far!
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Long Weekend
I took a few days off last week and headed down to visit my
family in the Woodburn, Oregon area. As
always, I had a delightful time!
On the drive down and on the drive back, I saw three
different herds of big horn sheep. What
beautiful creatures the Lord has created!
The time I am able to spend with my family is
priceless. I am always grateful for the
hospitality that my Dad and Jeanine extend to me. They are kind, gracious and giving
people. We make loose plans and are very
flexible while I visit. It is a
non-stressful, relaxing time.
This visit was right in the middle of ‘tulip time’ and there
is a tulip farm just down the road from my dad’s property. With the beautiful weather on Saturday, the
cars were lined up and moving slower than turtles. Luckily we didn’t have any type of emergency.
Monday, April 7, 2014
Women's Ministry
My church’s Women’s Ministry hosted a Priscilla Shirer simulcast
on Saturday. What a great event to have
at our church. It was a great day –
fellowship with other Christian women.
There were 50,000 attendees registered for the simulcast. These attendees were throughout the United
States, Japan and other countries. Some
of my small group was able to attend the event so we were able to sit together
along with some other gals.
What a blessing our Women’s Ministry is to me. Our church’s sermons and ‘philosophy’ are very
seeker-oriented. So to have something to
encourage those of us that are Christians to continue in our growing more like
Christ is wonderful and to be honest, refreshing from the ‘soft treading’ and
‘hip’ sermons/philosophy.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
April 1st: A Day of Contemplation
Today is a day of contemplation:
It is my birthday; I am 47 years old and I wonder how I got here :~)
I am blessed with knowing Christ as my Lord and Saviour. I have family, friends, co-workers and acquaintances whom are a part of my life and make my life sweet.
Life is ever-changing and I am glad to have a sturdy foundation in the Lord.
It is my birthday; I am 47 years old and I wonder how I got here :~)
I am blessed with knowing Christ as my Lord and Saviour. I have family, friends, co-workers and acquaintances whom are a part of my life and make my life sweet.
Life is ever-changing and I am glad to have a sturdy foundation in the Lord.
Friday, March 28, 2014
The Lord is full of mercy and grace. I have been under-the-weather and also
feeling sorry for myself this past week.
I am so grateful for His lovingkindness and know that although I don’t
deserve it~the gift of life has been freely given to me. By focusing on Christ, my Lord, instead of
myself, I am already feeling better!
There are many times when I wonder what path the Lord has
for me and if it will continue along a single path or join with another. As I am growing and maturing in many areas of
my life, I am confident that the Lord has a wonderful plan for me and I need to
be watchful and listening to Him.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Is It Springtime?
Yay ~ we are getting some sunshine this week. I hope things dry out but don’t start growing
yet. I have yard work to do before the
yard starts growing!
Week 2 of Eat To Live is going well. I didn’t weigh or use measuring tape so I am
relying on how I feel and how my clothes fit to note any weight loss.
I know a lot of people who make a list of their yearly
projects. I was thinking about that this
morning and realized that I don’t do that on a regular basis. I suppose budget-wise it would be a really good
habit to be in. I have some organizing
projects that won’t take any financial budget, just time budget. However, I do have a couple of projects that
delve into the financial realm of things.
These aren’t huge projects so the output should be minimal.
I give thanks daily to our awesome Lord who gives us these beautiful bits
of spring to entice us into the new season.
Monday, March 10, 2014
Eat To Live
Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman is an eating plan that is filled
with greens, greens and more greens; throw in some beans, other veggies and
fruit. For the first 6 weeks, you total
remove salt, sugar, sugar substitutes and most starches along with caffeine and
alcohol from your menu plan.
Well, I started it on Sunday (yesterday). Since I consider myself vegan (mostly in the
sense of food), this isn’t a huge stretch for me. However, lately I have been eating more
processed and fast foods than I should.
With spring approaching and daylight savings time just happening, I
thought this would be a great time to jump in with both feet and do a bit of
detoxing. I am still drinking 1 cup of
coffee in the mornings for now. When I
run out, I may decide not to buy anymore and just stick with herbal teas ~ time
will tell.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Lent - To Observe or Not To Observe
The season of Lent began yesterday.
What is Lent?
The Christian Season of Lent
Lent is the
Christian season of preparation before Easter. In Western Christianity, Ash Wednesday marks the first day, or the start of
the season of Lent, which begins 40 days prior
to Easter (Sundays
are not included in the count).
Lent is a
time when many Christians prepare for Easter by observing a period of fasting,repentance, moderation and spiritual
discipline. The purpose is to set aside time for reflection on Jesus Christ -
his suffering and his sacrifice, his life, death, burial and resurrection.
Not all
Christian churches observe Lent. Lent is mostly observed by the Lutheran, Methodist,Presbyterian and Anglican denominations,
and also by Roman Catholics. Eastern Orthodox churches observe Lent or Great Lent, during the 6 weeks or 40 days
preceding Palm Sunday with
fasting continuing during the Holy Week of
Orthodox Easter. Lent for Eastern Orthodox
churches begins on Monday (called Clean Monday) and Ash Wednesday is not
The Bible
does not mention the custom of Lent, however, the practice of repentance and
mourning in ashes is found in 2 Samuel 13:19; Esther 4:1;
Job 2:8; Daniel 9:3; and Matthew 11:21.
Since the Bible does not mention the custom of Lent, it
would appear that this is a man-made observance.
I think reflection on Jesus’ suffering, sacrifice and
resurrection makes sense; however, I wonder if a man-made prescription is
necessary to do this. Reflecting on our Lord and Saviour and the mercy and grace we receive from Him should be thought of more often that just 40 days before Easter.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Schedule Change
I have been contemplating for many weeks giving up my CTR (commute trip reduction) day. So instead of working 9 hour days with a day off every other week, I would work 9 hour days consistently. Since this thought continues to reoccur for no particular reason (that I can discern), I believe it is the Holy Spirit speaking to me. Yes it is nice to have that day off of work every other week; however, I seldom have anything planned and so it tends to be a lazy (wasted) day.
I spoke with my manager this morning and starting next week I will be working Monday-Friday, 8:15 to 5:15 with an hour lunch from 11-12.
I spoke with my manager this morning and starting next week I will be working Monday-Friday, 8:15 to 5:15 with an hour lunch from 11-12.
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Looking Around the Corner
February is quickly coming to an end and I feel spring right
around the corner [under the mounds of snow].
I am struggling with a few things: getting back into a daily routine, Bible
study and my volunteering commitments. I
am lifting these up in prayer and working on the ones in which I can actively
I think the longer daylight definitely helps with the
motivation aspect of life.
God definitely knows when to change the seasons; what an
Awesome God we have!!
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Surprises are Awesome
Woohoo ~ our surprise birthday get together for my Dad was
fabulous! He had no idea when he walked
in Saturday morning. All his daughters
(4) were there, his wife, his two sisters and we were able to skype with his
brother. What a great time was had by
all ~ fellowship and food. The weather
was a bit crazy, rain and wind pretty much the whole time I was there
(Wed-Mon). My aunt was able to catch
this picture on Saturday!
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
This, That & the Other
A week until I am on a mini-vacation. I get to visit with family and slip away from
my job and community for a few days. I
pray that it is a joyful time of fellowship and re-energizing for my body and
soul. The last 2 months have been hectic
at work, although that hasn’t pushed into other aspects of my life (other than
an eye tic that won’t stop!).
My small group is in the middle of a book we are
reading and discussing. We usually do
some type of study; however, a couple of gals were interesting in this
particular book. More 'book news' ~ I have just finished
reading most of Charles Dickens’ works [I think I may have missed one or two
but will double check]. Hmmm, I am
lagging behind in crocheting – I would like to make some items and maybe put
them on to sell.
I am amazed that it has been about a year
since I started wearing skirts and headcoverings all the time. I wasn’t sure how it would be in the winter;
however, this year we have not been inundated with precipitation as the East
Coast has. So all in all, the adjustment
to wearing skirts (or dresses) only has been extremely easy.
Friday, January 31, 2014
Tax Time
Oh, my. The
delightful prospect of completing my 2013 tax return is invading my
thoughts. I have most of my documents
gathered and have a couple which need to be printed. My goal (haha) is to complete my return on
Sunday – yes, Super Bowl Sunday. I do
not have TV or internet at home and frankly am not interested in watching the
game or commercials that come with it ~ even though our state’s team (although
I realize that not all states have a team) is playing on Sunday.
The days of 1040 EZ form are long gone—I miss them. One 8 ½ x 11 page to fill out with easy.
However, the Lord has blest me tremendously with a little
abode to reside in. I know that as long
as I (or the bank) own a home and work outside of it, I shall be filling out a
tax return each year.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Success...Different Definitions
The end of January is looming on the horizon. The beginning of 2014 is already coming to an
I have never given much thought to 5 year or 10 year
planning. I know that is what all ‘successful’
people do…I don’t put my head ‘in the sand’; however, I do my utmost to follow
God’s lead. Some years I am more successful
at this than others. I do give thought
to being more Christ-like and studying the Word of God to know Him better.
Today, I received some disheartening news. I had inquired about an order I had placed
for a cowl (headcovering) from Garlands of Grace ( and through
the USPS tracking, found that it had been delivered on January 23rd. Well, I don’t have it…either it was delivered
to a wrong address or someone relieved my porch of a parcel.
Although I am upset/saddened by this news, my prayer is that
whoever is in possession of the headcovering is blessed. The family of sisters at Garlands of Grace
put scriptures leading a person to Christ in with each order, so may that
person be a blessed recipient.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Busy Here, Busy There
The Pacific Northwest has been light in the snow department
and I must say that I am not complaining.
As long as we get snow in the mountains (to stave off drought), I am
thrilled to have unencumbered roads to drive on!
My sister and grandmother flew to the islands for some rest
and relaxation this week. It looks like
the weather is cooperating for them.
Tonight I am going to a fundraiser with my other sister; it
is the romantic musical comedy ‘Crazy for You’ ~ should be a fun event.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Work has been crazy over the last month with people on
vacation, having surgery or out with colds/flu.
I enjoy my job when I can actually do my duties. Filling in for others and not getting any of
my own work (or little) done got a tad frustrating.
Sometimes I wonder if this is where I am supposed to
be. Is there something else out there
for me? I have to admit that I have not
been praying about this; therefore, I haven’t received any answer.
Being unmarried doesn’t afford a woman to be a homemaker or
work part-time or even volunteer instead of work-for-pay. I may be in the minority, but I feel like I
am missing out. I am past the time of
having more children (have a lovely 23 year old daughter); however, that doesn’t
mean I am over-the-hill or meant to be an old spinster, or does it??
Praying to the Lord for guidance in all things is something
I don’t always do. Sometimes He seems so
big and far away and my daily life seems so inconsequential. I give thanks daily for His mercy and grace
and need to give thanks for His guiding hand in all areas of my life.
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Bring in the New Year
I just reviewed my resolution blog from 2013 and see that I
was able to keep some of them :~)
I am not stressing over resolutions for 2014. However, I am excited to see where the Lord
will direct my path this year!
My prayer for each of you this new calendar year is to
follow God’s leading in your life!
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